The New Founding Network

We connect people and companies building fiercely optimistic enterprises.

New Founding is at the intersection of three broad groups of people who reject the established regime and share many values and aspirations.

We are uniquely positioned to bridge these communities and back projects and startups that benefit from connections across the network.

New Christian Right

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Pro-America builders

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New political right

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We connect and equip people inspired by this vision—directing effort, capital, and ideas to build new institutions.

Invest or Pitch

Having started with talent matching—connecting aligned job-seekers and employers—our network will expand with a formal membership later this year.

Sign up for the waitlist below.

Member Events

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Strategic Intros
Local Events
Virtual Meetups
Meetup & Talks
Exclusive Podcasts
Join the Waitlist

Our membership-through-ownership is possible in two ways

New Founding is built on the belief that boldly flying our flag will rally founders and investors around a positive vision for our future and help will it into existence – our team left behind our roles at leading PE firms, mainstream investment banks, and other prospects to take this mission head-on.
Elite Members
Accredited investors
NF equity or minimum in funds
Equity ownership of New Founding
Immediate economic upside
Private discussions and events
Curated warm intros
Access to Talent
Preferred access to accredited investors
Private discussions and events
Curated warm intros
Membership benefits

Our membership-through-ownership is possible in two ways

New Founding is built on the belief that boldly flying our flag will rally founders and investors around a positive vision for our future and help will it into existence – our team left behind our roles at leading PE firms, mainstream investment banks, and other prospects to take this mission head-on.
Elite Members
Accredited investors
NF equity or minimum in funds
Equity ownership of New Founding
Private discussions and events
Curated warm intros
Access to Talent
Preferred access to accredited investors
Equity ownership of New Founding
Limited directory acess
Limited new opportunity access


We connect people and companies building fiercely optimistic enterprises.

Explore our talent pool and connect with candidates and employers.


“The candidates I have gotten through New Founding have been the highest quality out of all the talent acquisition firms I’ve worked with.”

–Head of People, Hydra Host

For those serious about deeper involvement and investment in the network, we will offer a membership program that includes more ways to engage with our initiatives, connect with fellow members, and participate in opportunities that arise through the network.

Fill out the waitlist below to be notified when we launch.

Read more ↓

We are collecting indications of interest and expect to announce the precise location of the project by late 2024/early 2025. In the meantime, we are acquiring properties and making our development plans.

Remote work enables a revolution in where people live and how they organize themselves into communities. People are, especially since Covid, proactively seeking communities that align with their values and way of life. The knowledge economy worker can now work and live in a small town, uplifting areas that have struggled with economic depression for decades.

This presents a unique and time-limited opportunity to build new types of communities that are conducive to a healthy, natural and American way of life.

If you are interested in moving to such a community, please fill out the Resident Waitlist.

If you have interest in other specific forms of partnership/involvement, please fill out the Other Partnership form.

Upcoming Membership

Join the group of people shaping a positive vision for America.